Our Blog

Understanding Your Child’s Trouble With Writing

  • 11 December 2019
When your child sits down to write something, what do you see? Messy handwriting and spelling mistakes? Your child staring out the window without writing a thing? These types of writing difficultie... Read Full Article

Rhythm & Writing for Preschool

  • 30 May 2019
episode 147 – Young children learning writing preschool is really important as it combines fine motor and cognitive skills, as well as contributes to literacy as they grow older. In this episode, w... Read Full Article

Teaching and Learning With Hip-Hop Culture

  • 09 April 2019
Writing bursts are defined as 30-120 minutes of writing broken up by long pauses or breaks. Writing bursts are highly associated with language skills. A study from the University of London compared... Read Full Article


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