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The Story Behind Rhythm & Writing

  • 25 March 2019
I’m Nikki. After seven fun-filled undergraduate years at Western Michigan University in my hometown of Kalamazoo, then three graduate years in New York, I finally graduated as an Occupational Thera..... Read Full Article

Students Learn Better When They Take Handwritten Notes

  • 21 February 2019
Most modern-day college classrooms are a sea of laptops. The sounds of pens and pencils scurrying across lined paper have long been replaced by the tapping of keyboards. Sure, typing notes is a lot... Read Full Article

Pencil Grip is Less Important than Letter Formation and Speed

  • 28 October 2018
The increased use of computers and tablets in schools and at home has shifted educational focus toward a child’s keyboard skills rather than handwriting. Children are still expected to learn how to... Read Full Article


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